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about us
Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council (KNMC) is an autonomous statutory body constituted by the Government of Kerala under the provisions of Nurses and Midwives Act 1953. As per G.O.(MS) No: 559/2008/H&FWD dated 03-11-2008, the Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council was separated from the Travancore-Cochin Medical Councils and is functioning independently under the Registrar from Nursing Profession.  Dr. Kochuthresiamma Thomas was the first Registrar. Prof. Dr. Sona P S is the present Registrar.

The main Functions of KNMC are:

  1. Establishment and maintenance of uniform standards of nursing education in Kerala.
  2. Registration of successful candidates from Kerala as Registered Nurse – Registered Midwife (RN RM).
  3. Reciprocal registration of candidates who have acquired educational qualification from recognized institutions of other states.
  4. Renewal of Registration on expiry of validity.
  5. Verification of Registration and Diploma certificates from authorities inside and outside India.
  6. Approval of Colleges and Schools of Nursing and withdrawal of recognition in case if the institution fails to maintain standards.
  7. Conduct of undergraduate programmes like General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM), Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM) and Post Basic Diploma in Nursing Clinical Specialties.
  8.  Conduct of examinations for GNM, ANM, Post Basic Diploma in Specialty Nursing and female Health Supervisor programmes.
  9. Organization of Continuing Education Programme for Nursing Professionals.
  10. Award of credit hours for CNE Programmes organized by Educational Institutions and Hospitals for the purpose of Renewal of Registration.

The Council

         The Council consists of elected and nominated members. The Government nominates the President. The Registrar is the Secretary of the Council.

Various Committees

  • Education Committee:  Deals with matters related to conduct of examination and policy matters concerning nursing education.
  • Scrutiny Committee:  Scrutinizes the Inspection Reports of Colleges and Schools of Nursing and gives report to the Council.
  • Board of Examiners:  Consists of President and Board Members. It deals with matters related to examination and publication of results.

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